Monday, February 4, 2008

Comments from Shelby:

Hi Everyone, It's me Shelby, I feel bad for you all in those snow jackets when were in a tropical paradise, but we have lots and lots of rain. That's fair enough wouldn't you say? Well I have to get going bye , Shelby


Clyde said...

Hey Shell, uncle Clyde here and sorry to hear about rain. No snow in Arizona but we did have it a bit cold for the big golf tournament and Super Bowl that was here this past weekend.

Fun being able to read what you are doing and the pictures of you with your haku lei was very nice! We will print these of all three of you girls and put on the fridge here for Fritz and Zoey to see as well :)

Love you,
Uncle Clyde.

Unknown said...

Hi from your Nana,

You all look pretty fancy in you new swimsuits. Miss you guys. Are you learning to do the hula. Hope you got your cookies today.

Love you bunches,

Nana Bananna

coachtodd said...

Hello Shelby, So glad to hear that you have had contact with your school. That is important. Bella is bigger, but not too big. Yesterday, when opa and I went over, both cats were so happy to see us. They played with the "tree" for their claws. I told Uncle Robert to put it out in the middle of the room so they would use it more. Lulu waits for the "bones" I give her and then she goes outside, very happy in the snow. Keep enjoying Hawaii for me. I love you, oma..opa too:):)