Sunday, February 17, 2008

Post from Jillian:

I am watching American Gladiators. It is a great show!! I have been doing a lot of swimming in the ocean and it is very very fun. The water is warm. I saw a camelion but I couldn't catch it. I had a nice brunch today at Turtle Bay. It was awesome because I had three ice creams.
Rock On.


coachtodd said...

Hi Jillian, I love you and I'm glad you are having a good time. You will like the Big Island because it is different and huge. The most interesting part for me was all the lava. Pick a flower for me. You are my flower girl. I miss you. Oma :)

Chanda said...

Hi Jillian!! I like your pictures! I miss you! Love Tanna

I hope I go to Hawaii some time, it looks pretty! Love Avery

coachtodd said...

We loved your dad's new photos. Lauren is here with a great book about a BAD KITTY. It is about a kitty that gets in a lot of trouble. The kitty gets made because they run out of cat food and she has to eat everything from asparagus to zucchini! Lauren and Jackson laughed and laughed at the photos. We all love you, Jillian! Oma