Sunday, February 17, 2008

Notes from Rachel;

Hi guys,
Thanks to the people that commented to me. I like to read your comments. I wish I could give you a comment back. Can you give me more? I miss you guys.
Today we were swimming for the whole day. I didn't see any turtles today, but my dad did. Mom and dad also saw some whales. Dad said one of them looked like a submarine coming out of the water in the movies. The waves have been really small the last few days so that means that we can go look at the little thingys in the tide pools like sea urchins. A few days ago I held one. Today we went to Turtle Bay and had a ginormous lunch. Me and my sisters mostly had sweets 'cause dad said we could have almost anything we wanted. I had very creamy oatmeal and two icecream cones and coconut cake. One of the healthy things I got was Poke, which is raw tuna. I loved it. Thanks, Bye. Rachel


KBurns said...

Hi Rachel,
I love your pictures from Hawaii. I wish I were there. I really want to hold a Sea Urchin too. Your pictures are awesome!Today I am out of school because it is President's Day and I have been playing PlayDoh all afternoon. I made all of these playdoh babies and you remember my little brother Zachary? Well he squished them all and it really made me mad!I love climbing trees. I climb one outside it has prickly leaves though. I like all of your pictures.
Love, your friend, Rachel Burns

coachtodd said...

Hi Racel, so glad you are writing. Have a good trip and enjoy the big island. Opa and I saw the volcano in action. It was awesome! We are off to Florida! I'm going to make a snowball and take it with me :) I love you, Oma

Aukamp said...

Hi Rachel,
That's a cool picture of you climbing the palm tree. It looks like you are having a lot of fun. What do sea urchins feel like?
I had a 4-day weekend and my cousin came in town. We went with my mom and Kenna to see Cirque Dreams downtown. It's a crazy circus thing where people do tricks and bend their bodies in weird shapes. When are you coming back? Enjoy the sunshine 'cuz here it's all snowy.
Your friend,

thirdgrade said...


Aloha! This is Mr. A and the rest of the class. We just wanted to say "hello". We just finished taking the first session of the CSAP math and writing test. It was a lot of fun! Let us know when you get this message.

coachtodd said...

Hi Rachel...Oma and Opa just got back from Florida. We saw such big alligators! I sent your dad a photo of a gator who caught a deer. There was a Frenchman who was teasing a huge alligator in a fenced area...he was crazy and the alligator was angry a hissing so loudly! A lady got in there with the man and she was really afraid. Our beach time was fun and we have come back to snow. Opa and I will ski next week. We love you...lauren and jackson say Hi....oma

Hooke Family said...

Hi Rachel. it's me Samantha.I can't wait until you come back. We finished CSAPS and now we're on Spring Break officially today.
Was that a picture of you climbing a tree with Mr. A's head pasted on it?

coachtodd said...

Hi Rachel, I also love your pictures in the water! You look wonderful and I miss you, but am very happy you are having a good time. I've been over to see and walk Lulu. She and the cats continue to be very,very happy to see me. The cats even come walking very quickly and of course Lulu comes running. Have a great time with your grandfather and WeeWee. I love you, oma