Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Comments from Jillian:

Hi I am Jillian (w/ Daddy on typing duty)
We are in Hawaii, it is so fun. I pretty much go on the beach three times each day, I catch ghost crabs, you know. Why they're called ghost crabs? Because they are white and blend in with the sand. There are these centipedes and they are so poisionous that if you step on one you will pretty much have to go to the hospital. And then there are the coconuts, if you leave them out side all the bugs get on them. There are also gekos. You know what geckos are? They are little Hawaiian lizards and if you have them in your house in Hawaii, it is good luck. It is a Hawaiian thing. We only have one bathroom and three bedrooms, but our house is really great. It is right on the beach. Love Jillian.


coachtodd said...

Hi Jillian! I love you so much. Today I will go over and see Lulu and the cats and try to get some photos for you. Opa and I went skiing. He got tickets for our friends visiting tomorrow. It has been cold and you are lucky to be in Hawaii. I will be in the mountains and won't be able to write emails. Z and Z say hello. Opa and I love you soooooo much. We are glad you are having fun. Help mom and are a great helper. Again, I love you! Oma :)

The Posts said...

Hi Jillian, it's Jaime. I miss you very, very much. Abby and everyone else at school misses you too, especially at recess and lunch. It is very cold here, we did not even go outside on Tuesday. Mrs Moeller read us a story about a polar bear who gets captured but he escapes and finds his way home. I like the picture of your house and you on the beach. Please send more pictures of you. Love Sincerely, Jaime

coachtodd said...

Hi Jilly Bug...Lulu and kittens are doing great. Lulu played in snow today and kittens were happy to see me. We are going to the mountains tomorrow with our friends and I will not be on line. Opa and I hope you are having a great time. Do some math and read, read, read. I love you,...OMA

coachtodd said...

Jillian, it is -14 on the thermometer. That is really , really cold. Ask dad to show you how much difference that is between you heat there and our cold here. It could be a home schooling math for you, Rachel and Shelby. I miss you and I love you. oma

coachtodd said...

Hi Jilly Bug! Happy Valentine's Day. I'm hoping to hear from you and want to see something on the blog from you. We are getting ready to go to Florida and it will be good to get out of the snow. Opa is working on selling a house today and that will happen soon. Please let me know what you are reading. I love you, Oma