Sunday, January 27, 2008

Comments from Shelby:

Hi Everyone, It's me Shelby guess what my daddy's friend Marcus ate a alive ghost crab. And do you know how we knew he stuk his tounge out and we saw it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Soon we might go to sea life park and swim with the dolphins!!!!!
Bye, Shelby


Julie said...

Shelby, It sounds like you are having a great time in Hawaii! Although eating a ghost crab doesn't sound very appetizing to me. Marcus is a brave man. It is so good to hear from you. I will share this with Jordan tomorrow since she is already in bed. She misses you. Enjoy the sun and the's supposed to snow here (again) tomorrow! Love, Miss Julie

coachtodd said...

Shelby, I wrote you yesterday;however, it didn't get posted. I think of you every day and am so glad you are having a great time and doing your home schooling..I love you...oma

Aukamp said...

Hey, Shelby! It's Kenna!
It sounds like you are having a total blast in Hawaii! I think that is so cool that you might swim with dolphins! I want to hear all about it. It is FREEZING here and I had to walk to school in 2-inch-deep snow! Keep me updated on your adventures!
Love ya!