Sunday, January 27, 2008

Comments from Rachel:

Hi Everybody, It's me Rachel.
We are here in Hawaii and there is a calipiter tree that has a ton of calipiters on it but you really can't touch the tree very much because the tree is poisonous. Yesterday we went to Sharks Cove and went swimming a little bit, explored the tide pools and held sea urchins. I'll post a picture. A few days ago we found 8 ghost crabs but the gross thing is that Daddy's friend Marcus ate one alive. We know he ate it because he showed it to us on his tongue after he crunched it up. YUCK! I was gonna try a baby but I didn't want to. He said it tasted like normal Crab. And we alsowent snorkling ,there are rocks that have stuff on them that make them look like marshmallos that got colored very brightley I think im done for today. Comment me!!!


Julie said...

Rachel, What an exciting time you're having! I love the pictures of all the "creatures". Have you seen lots of whales? They are so cool to watch. Give your mom and sisters a big hug from all of us (and your dad too!) We're anxious to hear more about your trip.
We miss you guys!
Love, The Dinges'

Unknown said...

Dear Ms. Rachel,

It was so good to hear you sing on Saturday. I will call you on Tuesday for another round of the DU DU song.

Love you infinity,

Your Nana

Hooke Family said...

HI Summer! Sounds like you are having lots of exciting adventures! The beach looks beautiful! Much more fun than Mr. A's class is probably having. They are supposed to be taking a test today-lucky you! Maybe you should eat one of those "calipiters" alive like you Dad's friend Marcus did!!!!????? Ok...that is a yucky gross idea!!! Go find some more sea urchins and crabs!It snowed last night a little and has been really windy!!! Enjoy your warm beach!
Give your Mom a hug for me.
Samantha will be sending you a post card in the mail soon!

(Samantha's Mom)

Unknown said...

Dear Rachel,

Bet you had a fun day today. I made cookies tonight, I will send them tomorrow. Shhh it's a secret.


coachtodd said...

Dear Rachel, Everyone is leaving for downhill skiing. Oma is staying here at Willow View because it is supposed to be -17 degrees with the wind chill factor and I don't need that in my "young age". Later I will go out cross country with Zlaka. Yesterday I went out and got a cute belt for Aunt Kim's birthday at Chico's. Is your mom enjoying the clothes I got for her. I bet the wild pants are fun! Your photos are all great and the sea creatures are interesting..I know them all from Florida where I grew up. Glad you are doing home schooling:) Keep up the good work. I love you soooooo much. Opa says Hi...He just drove away. Expect some photos from me; I sent enough for you girls to each have one or two for your room or wallets. write back! your oma :)

coachtodd said...

It is a beautiful day here and I'm looking at the mountains and can actually see them as no snow is falling. I will go cross country skiing down to the lake. So glad you ar writing. Are you doing math? Go pick a pretty flower for me. I love you! oma

kimsedg said...

Hi Rachey!

WOW, it sounds like you are all having a blast! I love seeing the pictures, so make sure Daddy and Mommy keep them coming OK! We really miss you all and wish we could be there with you, but we are so happy that you are having fun! It looks like you have found some really cool urchins in the water and some fun critters in the back yard. I hear from Oma that it is very cold in the mountains of Colorado, she said it was even to cold for her to go skiing, so I bet you are glad to be in the nice warm weather. Well, keep the news coming, we love and miss you all. Give hugs and kissses to Mommy and Daddy me OK!
I love ya, Aunt Kimmie

Aukamp said...

Hi Rachel,
How are you doing? What do the sea urchins feel like when you hold them? Do they call it Shark's Cove because there are sharks there? You're lucky you're not here. It snowed again last night and it's freezing!!!
Update me soon,

deb said...

Hello there Rachel, I really want to see you eat one of those ghost crabs. i've never seen a ghost crab before, but i don't think i could eat one either. love and hugs, Deb

coachtodd said...

Hi Rachel..glad I found out where to write to you. You realize of course, that Oma does pretty well on the computer for being an Oma! I enjoyed hearing from your teacher and he liked the video I sent him on America. So glad he likes the painting of outer space I gave him. Your animals are doing fine. The best thing is to see your cats come running when I come in the door..suddenly they are there! Of course, Lulu is always there, but the strange thing is, she doesn't bark any more, even when opa came in yesterday. I think it is the fact she is not "protecting" you and mommy. Opa and I are glad you are enjoying Hawaii. Please draw or paint a picture for me. Did you get my card yet? I love all the photos. Tell dad that he is doing a great job. Have a fun weekend. We love you, oma and opa