Monday, January 28, 2008

Comments from Shelby:

Hi everyone, It's me Shelby. how is everyone? I'm fine. Guess what we went to pipeline beach ( a world famous beach ) and watched the surfers dudes. It was NARLEY !!!! Thay were really good. The waves were a huge 20 feet. The water was so deadley you could not even swim in it any time. You could die any second if you swam in that water. It's only for surfers. People (surfers) come all over the world just to surf there, that's why it's world famous.Surfing is such a cool sport i'm going to start soon!! When your a really good surfer you go really really fast against the waves then you fall over.It looks so fun. Well I better get going bye,Shelby


Unknown said...

Dearest Shelby,

Have you heard from Bob? He keeps calling me. Now he wants a billion dollars for insurance. Can you loan me a few million?

Love you bunches.

Your Nana

Kathy Murphy said...

Hi Shelby, Rachel and Jillian,
Thank you for writing to all of us and telling us all about your trip! We have been wondering how your trip was going, and it is so wonderful to hear it from all of you girls!
We are so happy to hear that you are having so much fun!
We love you!
Kathy, Todd, Caroline and Emmy

Madison C said...

You are so lucky to be in Hawaii! Have you been surfing yet? It sounds like fun.

I am home sick today.

Your Friend,
Madison C.

Unknown said...

Hi Shelby,

What does NARLEY mean? That man Bob didn't call today. I kind of miss him.



coachtodd said...

Hi Shelby...I love you and am so glad you were getting books and know you are reading often because you are a great reader. It is wonderful that you are writing. How is home school math going? So glad you are enjoying the huge waves. Opa says the skiing is great. We love you so oooooo much. opa and oma

The McCormicks said...

hi shelb school is awsome we can now bring our i pods if our name is drawn from the pickel jar.i have not brong mine yet. i have started molly moons i see why you like it, its pretty funny.bailey mack fineshed the 4th book. mrs. kendall has not vietted yet but when she returns or visets i`ll tell snowed so were all indoors just chillen.miss you Karli m #9

McGuire said...

Hi Shelbey, Its Megan M. I really miss you! I hope I could be there with you right now!Also I really want to go to the beach there.! Is it pretty? well I have to go ,and I hope to see you soon!


P.S,hang 10 dude!xgo

kimsedg said...

Hi Shelby!!

I am so glad everyone is having a great time in Hawaii!! Oma told me today that you are missing some pretty cold weather in Colorado. I am thrilled that you are going to try to surf, I think that would be a lot of fun!! Have you seen any turtles? Remember all the ones we saw when we were there? Uncle Clyde and I miss you all and wish we were there with you! Keep writing so we know what you are all up to!
Love ya, Aunt Kimmie

deb said...

Dear shelby, looks like you're having alot of fun. thinking of you, lot's of love deb ps i'd like to see you eat one of those crabs.